While this would be awesome I cannot help but be skeptical of it.
If the Rev did project in 3d where would it project from?
I haven't seen anything on it that would work.

I am thinking that it would be possible in a few years but not yet. Although Nintendo is gettting gyroscopes done already so that would help in the next gen if it does happen.

And actually I think a visor would work the best and I am certiain they will be able to make them smaller and cheaper in the future. can't wait for that!
I really like the idea, but i too think it is a bit too early as sporge stated.

edit: a bit too early for 3d projection i mean***
SPORGE27 said:
While this would be awesome I cannot help but be skeptical of it.
If the Rev did project in 3d where would it project from?
I haven't seen anything on it that would work.

I am thinking that it would be possible in a few years but not yet. Although Nintendo is gettting gyroscopes done already so that would help in the next gen if it does happen.

And actually I think a visor would work the best and I am certiain they will be able to make them smaller and cheaper in the future. can't wait for that!

there is no way i'm going to use a visor, or carry anything larger than a controller to play.

really, the LAST thing i'm going to do, is dress up like this:


just to play a game. : \
Mino said:
Bulerias said:
It could be used as a portable, too.
Uhh, you're saying you'd put that on in public?
i know... could you imagine anyone running down main street dressed up like that, pointing a fake gun at people because they look like the Shambler...

really, if this is the Revolutions big thing, i'll cry. : (
Well I was hoping that when they make a visor thing it would be more like, sunglasses or something so it looks cool lol.
It seems like a possibility... but for $200 like Nintendo wants...? :/ I would not get your hopes up... too much.