Assuming your wishlist is up to date, I would like to place the following order.
Username: ZombifiedHorror
Mayor Name: Angela
Town name: Haunton
FC: 5198-3495-3099
Full order: Circle Banner, Globe, Mop, Nutcracker
Payment: Flamenco Hat, Headkerchief, Kintaro Wig, Tam-o'-Shanter
I'm flexible with payment if you're unhappy in any way with that. I was just hoping to trade instead of use bells because I'm working on finishing house expansions. Was hoping these items will suffice as the Flamenco Hat and Tam-o'-Shanter are European DLC. Let me know how you feel about it and we can work from there if needed.
No problem! Sorry about the wait, I have finals coming up and work has been hectic. XD But I'm definitely okay with trading! I'll VM you as soon as it's ready!