Ridiculous auctions for ridiculous prices.

You are misunderstanding, it isn't cheating to visit an island to buy or sell. It is cheating to visit a tt island that is set to Sunday, travel to another town not on Sunday, and buy and sell turnips indefinitely. People are creating hundreds of millions of bells by just keeping the channel between buying and selling turnips open forever via time traveling. NOT legit. Ive been traveling to another island to sell my turnips every week. But I don't afterwards tt my town to Sunday so I can buy more and make another trip.
Yeah... dude, the developers are aware of TT and if they didnt want people doing it it would have been very easy for them to take that mechanic out. And to be quite honest, if you have a problem with it and you have the capabilities to TT also, then stop complaining.
If you cant beat em, join em.
Post automatically merged:

I highly doubt those 2500 NMT have been legit.... I just doubt it.
But there is no way to prove that so who cares
the way i see it, i paid 400$ CAD to buy the system and then paid 90$ CAD for the digital copy (wasn’t able to pick up the physical copy that cost me 80$ CAD because of what’s going on in the world right now) if i want to time travel to sell digitalized root vegetables for a better price/earn more bells, you can bet i will

My topic is not about Bells even I do not know how the whole TT-ing is not legit discussion got in. But the real issue at hand is the save editors and people selling a villager for like 2000 - 2500 nook mile tickets. There's no way that can be legit.
What are you not understanding?

The person they obtained the 2500 tickets from could have made a multitude of other trades to obtain the 2500 tickets then passed them onto the next trader.

Why cant people grasp this concept????

You need to chill out dude. I'm asking a QUESTION. On a forum about a casual game lmfao
You need to chill out dude. I'm asking a QUESTION. On a forum about a casual game lmfao
lol why are you acting like im mad?
I was asking a question too.

All I did was explain to you how it is possible to obtain 2500 tickets in a single trade. Sorry if you felt personally attack even though you were the one claiming that "there is no way" 🙃
ya there's no way.. I'm just curious how these ppl are doing it if you cant duplicate nmt

Save editing it exists and it's used.

People are paying real world money off eBay to buy hacked nookmile tickets for villagers they could have bought an amiibo card for or an nfctag? Lol
No amiibo for him yet.
Well if you get 2500 nook mile tickets by trading you must have done a lot of stuff that makes it worthwhile to trade. If I boil it down to the time required.... If you get them that easy and spend them that easy something tells me you didn't put in hours of work.

But I cannot prove it alas I think there should be a limit but if not a limit at least there should be a warning to not buy from ebay.

The tickets on ebay are 100% not legit.
Well if you get 2500 nook mile tickets by trading you must have done a lot of stuff that makes it worthwhile to trade. If I boil it down to the time required.... If you get them that easy and spend them that easy something tells me you didn't put in hours of work.

But I cannot prove it alas I think there should be a limit and they should be a warning to not buy from ebay.
"i cant prove it so therefore lets punish everyone by putting a cap on the market." Thats what I heard and I disagree 100%.
"i cant prove it so therefore lets punish everyone by putting a cap on the market." Thats what I heard and I disagree 100%.

Alright but can you proof that it is legit?

You have the theory you can trade and gain that many.
I have the theory people can use a save editor and gain that many that way.

We both lack proof but both do have a sound theory.
I dont have to because youre the one making a positive claim that they are hacked.
You cant shift the burden of proof when youre the one making the positive claim
lol why are you acting like im mad?
I was asking a question too.

All I did was explain to you how it is possible to obtain 2500 tickets in a single trade. Sorry if you felt personally attack even though you were the one claiming that "there is no way" 🙃

I was just agreeing with what the person was saying above me. Them saying it wasn't legit made sense to me but I guess I'm wrong.. Doesn't matter lol didn't mean to get into an argument 😂
lol just because YOU are all ticked off and mad about something doesn’t mean it’s unfair and everyone should be stopped from doing it...
It doesn't really matter if you don’t like villagers selling for hundreds of tickets; they do and will continue to. People can make those tickets totally legit, and you calling “unfair” on it sounds more like you’re jealous and just don’t want anyone having fun and making trades because you don’t like it or can’t afford the same. Maybe if you put in more effort you'd have more tickets too?
My topic is not about Bells even I do not know how the whole TT-ing is not legit discussion got in. But the real issue at hand is the save editors and people selling a villager for like 2000 - 2500 nook mile tickets. There's no way that can be legit.

Didn't mean for my original comment (About someone having to have gotten a large cash infusion from another source in order to be investing so heavily into the stalk market as to make 200million bells already) to go so off the rails, but it seemed relevant when we are talking about not being able to compete in an economy that is being dictated by people obtaining currency through questionable means. Let me try and clarify my point. Abusing turnips and tt so heavily seems to be on par with that IN REGARDS TO HOW TO AFFECTS THE GAMES ECONOMY (TURNIP ABUSE OBVIOUSLY DOES NOT VIOLATE NINTENDOS TOS LIKE A HOMEBREW CONSOLE DOES) since NMT and bells are basically synonymous, and these people are going on and competing in auctions with average joes who don't want to cheese the game like that.

I wasn't even trying to attack people who play these kinds of games with the stalk market (the word cheating really triggered people). I don't personally do it because I want to enjoy the game over time the way Nintendo obviously intends with how they have built in time gating INTO THE GAME (even if they don't care if you personally tt). I don't need to go on and compete in these auctions because I have the amiibo cards I would want anyways, but the fact is, IT HAS AN EFFECT, and it's kind of crappy that these people who don't want to resort to those lengths are forced to deal with it. And it's pretty telling when some people don't give a crap about how their actions may be impacting someones experience. That's what my point is. Yikes.