Prepare for a huge drop off ;u; send the tbt whenever you can ^.^
I will be doing the rest of the requests tonight/tomorrow thank you all for ordering!
She is super cute I hope you like her pixel!!

Your mayor was super fun to draw, I couldn't do a lot of dress detail but I hope you like her!

I tried my best to do her with closed eyes also, I also used the base I used for my second example c:

I love your mayor and your town tbh, we have a lot of similar tastes in things! I had trouble with the hat but I hope you like her c':

Don't worry, I understand where you're coming from. I didn't try to purposely white wash him trust me, I think I might've got mixed up because the other ref you had of him looked like a lighter skin tone so I just left it how it was. I darkened his hair and skin and tried to darker Dmitri's arm outline so his jacket looks less red, I hope this is better!

I will be doing the rest of the requests tonight/tomorrow thank you all for ordering!
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