RIP City Folk :(

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Nintendo want people to play there newer consoles that's why WI-FI was shut down DS and Wii :(
Actually the servers were run by GameSpy (shut down) or something, that's why they shut down Nintendo WFC. At least, that's the opinion I've read and seen most places
I heard Nintendo were given the option to update the servers so they could still be used, but, Nintendo decided not to simply because of how old the affected games were. Basically, Nintendo assumed nobody would care.
Even if you didn't like the game yourself, don't forget that there are others who did. Don't be a negative nancy or a wet noodle.
Even if you didn't like the game yourself, don't forget that there are others who did. Don't be a negative nancy or a wet noodle.

I never got to play city folk much. My wii died shortly after I bought it. I didn't like it very much, but that was me.

Also "wet noodle"

CF was my first AC, so i have a soft spot for it. I still go in sometimes just to see how thgs are going.... Kind of sad, actually. Villagers say stuff like, i havent seem u im years! Were u traveling? Weeds everywhere. But its still nice because it was my first town.
rip city folk

as is tradition with my send offs i shall give the speech.

It ran fast, and died a virgin.
I know people never really liked the game to much but it was a fun game for me. I enjoyed up it very much along with ww but you will be missed cf.
Off topic, slightly, but not, but yes it is, I will say, this is the problem with DLC and games with heavy online based content. At some point, they have to end as there isn't either the resources and/or interest to keep the servers running. So 10 or 20 years from now when someone wants to play a game that requires either updates or patches or an internet connection to be viable, they won't be able to play it. I already see this with a lot of 360 or PS3 games. They aren't able to resell because the servers that support the gameplay aren't there anymore (I work in a used gamestore so this is a big deal to us). It sucks that from now on whenever someone wants to buy a copy of City Folk, it's going to have to come with the disclaimer that it's a "single player campaign" with no online support. Half the fun of CF and NL are being able to meet people and trade and do stuff. Unlike self contained game of the past, the online supported games don't really have any replayable value after the support is pulled. Sucks.

Anyway, RIP City Folk. I bought you and never played you and I guess at this point, you'll sit shrinkwrapped on my shelf, forever alone. :(
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Off topic, slightly, but not, but yes it is, I will say, this is the problem with DLC and games with heavy online based content. At some point, they have to end as there isn't either the resources and/or interest to keep the servers running. So 10 or 20 years from now when someone wants to play a game that requires either updates or patches or an internet connection to be viable, they won't be able to play it. I already see this with a lot of 360 or PS3 games. They aren't able to resell because the servers that support the gameplay aren't there anymore (I work in a used gamestore so this is a big deal to us). It sucks that from now on whenever someone wants to buy a copy of City Folk, it's going to have to come with the disclaimer that it's a "single player campaign" with no online support. Half the fun of CF and NL are being able to meet people and trade and do stuff. Unlike self contained game of the past, the online supported games don't really have any replayable value after the support is pulled. Sucks.

Anyway, RIP City Folk. I bought you and never played you and I guess at this point, you'll sit shrinkwrapped on my shelf, forever alone. :(

CF was my first AC so it has special meaning to me. Back in 2010 when I discovered it, I worked early in the day (6am to 2pm), I'd come home and play for the afternoon. I was off weekends, so that's what I did with my weekends, especially in summer, thanks to daily rain and light thunderstorms. And I didn't have internet then. After I moved in with my now husband, I finally got internet. About the only thing I did with the online play was get the DLC and get fruit.
I play WW and NL daily and CF two or three times a week. I'll always love CF because it was my first :)
City Folk was the first game I played from the series. I played it A LOT!! I slowly stopped playing it because of the grass issue though. I'm glad they fixed it for New leaf.
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