ok, THIS TIME I am back!
the story's setting is a video game setting in which the players are trapped in the virtual world of the game, and are able to use anime-ish like abilities and skills similar to something like an rpg and will also be able to be accompanied by 1 AC villager of their choice in order to escape the virtual world and make it back to reality, use your wits and be wary of traitors but dont forget you will NEED friends if you want to escape alive. each character is human and you may select the type of class from below to use and tell/post a picture of your own design of your character. all AC villager classes will be predetermined by personality each having different skills and different amounts of health so choose wisely on your class and your AC villager or pick your favorite. 1 AC VILLAGER PER PERSON for example 2 people cannot both have Marshal. here are the following classes
description: the tank out of the classes, hard hitting but slow
stats: HP: 650
ATK: 100
SPD: 30
DEF: 50
special ability: REDEEMING JUDGEMENT; take received damage from a previous ATK subtract it by SPD stat then deal amount as DMG to opponent
description: caster of spells and master of sorcery, sometimes a bit fragile with moderately low HP
stats: HP: 450
ATK: 65
SPD: 50
DEF: 50
special ability: MIRACLE; if you are to lose all HP use a number generator of 1 to 10, if the resulting number is even the killing ATK from opponent is considered as a miss, if the number is odd then the ATK hits
description: best in groups, lowest ATK, moderate HP, and can heal
stats: HP: 500
ATK: 60
SPD: 50
DEF: 50
special abilities: HEAL; use a number generator of 1 to 10 if the number is even the heal is a succes and restores 100 HP to an ally or yourself, if it is odd then the heal did not work: LAST WILL; if attacked with a fatal amount give 1 ally *villagers do not count* 200 HP and then you can use the healed ally's ability
description: upholders of good, a mix between HEALER and WARRIOR
stats: HP: 600
ATK: 80
SPD: 40
DEF: 50
special ability: STRIKE OF THE HOLY; boost ATK by 20 and ATK opponent, this replaces a normal attack and can only be used 3 times in a battle, then take total damage dealt and subtract it by 20. you then group heal by the resulting amount
Description: the fastest out of the classes, fast but not really powerful, can use rudimentary magic, also quite frail
stats: HP: 380
ATK: 50
SPD: 70
DEF: 40
special ability: THIEVERY; take the enemy's special ability, then use it against them. If used against another BURGLAR, then nothing happens. This can only be used once per turn, four times a battle: BASIC MAGIC; Used once per battle, this can be used to deal 70 DMG
villagers do not have individual HP bars and will stay with you unless you die. their ATK and DEF can be added to yours when attacked or attacking and have their own set of special abilities
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: ENEMY NAPTIME; the actions of said villagers are enough to make an opponent or monster sleepy and lose a turn. if this ability is used at the start of a battle with a monster you have a chance of sneaking past it. to figure out if you made it past or cant escape use a number generator of 1 to 10 if the number is odd then you sneaked past the monster if even the monsters body is blocking the way out making it impossible to sneak out of said room
ATK: 10
DEF: 15
SPECIAL ABILITY: GUTSY WORKOUT; you and your jock villager do a quick workout session in the midst of battle. use a number generator of 1 to 10 if the number is even take received DMG and reduce it to a quarter of the total amount, if odd then you didnt train hard enough and take the normal amount of DMG given
ATK: 15
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: ANGER BURST; said villager becomes extremely irritated at opposing moster or player enemy which then doubles his ATK
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: TAUNT OR TALK; 2 different paths are available with this ability. either the villager taunts an enemy or monster to try to hit them and waste a turn or they can converse an enemy player to team up instead of fight each other. both use a number generator of 1 to 10. for TAUNT if the number is even then the enemy wastes a turn to try to attack said villager but ultimately misses in the end and if the number is odd the enemy ignores said taunt. for TALK if the number is odd the enemy player starts to reason and can ultimately choose to team up for a long time or for one room and then disband after and if the number is even then the player ignores said question to join. *TALK CAN ONLY BE USED WITH ENEMY PLAYERS WHILST TAUNT CAN BE USED FOR MONSTERS AND ENEMY PLAYERS*
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: HOME-KNIT DISTRACTION; said villager takes some clothing and attempts to blind enemy with it by tying it over their eyes like a blindfold. use a number generator of 1-10 if the number is even then the enemy wastes a turn trying to get the fabric off. if the number is odd then the villager is shaken off before fully tying the blindfold on
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: SCRUTINIZE; the villager shames the following enemy about their attack methods. use a number generator of 1 to 10. if the number is odd then the damage received is a quarter of what would be recieved normally due to the enemy trying out a new unprepared attack strategy. if the number is even the enemy ignores the said comments.
ATK: 15
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: CHEER ON; the villager cheers on the player to lift up their spirits. use a number generator of 1 to 10. if the number is even then the villagers ATK is doubled and added to the players attack. if the number is odd then the cheer was helpful but not inspiring
ATK: 10
DEF: 15
SPECIAL ABILITY: SIBLING RESPONSIBILITY; the villager is motivated through sibling friendship and/or love for their player friend to help take the incoming attack with their friend. use a number generator of 1 to 10 if the number is odd then the villagers motivation causes her DEF to double. if the number is even then the attack is taken with the added defense of the villager as normal
battle rules are as followed once per turn you are allowed to attack, use your ability, or attack with your villager, or use your villagers ability. but generally it goes like a two option choice with a two member party in an rpg. villager abilities can be used as many times as wanted in battle but cannot be spammed while player CLASS abilities can only be used once unless specifically said otherwise in the class's description. when attacking the amount of damage is calculated by taking your ATK stat and subtracting it by the enemy's DEF stat and the resulting number is the amount of damage given/recieved which is then subtracted from the nemy's/player's HP. the SPD stat determines the turn of order in battle. you can also gain and use items that will appear randomly. if the player encounters another player both have the option of striking up a conversation with said player or engaging them in battle. if both engage in conversation each will be able to talk to each other and ask questions about each other like so.
JON: hello are you trapped here too?
basically chat what you want to ask and talk about and then the other player responds and replys like normal. think of it like maybe a cutscene between two players only the scripts will be made right there on the get go and after that you can choose to ask them to join you and team up to which the other can accept or deny. if both or even one player decides to engage in combat a battle begins. after a player battle the killed player's villager can then be recruited by the winner of the battle but in order for you to have them join a number generator of 1 to 10 will happen and if the number is even the villager hardens up and joins you but if its odd the villager continues to mourn for the loss of their friend at which the winning player can either abandon the villager and move along or stay and try to recruit the villager again which wastes a turn but if the villager is recruited your party amount goes up by 1. all players will go in a d&d style turn based order unless a battle is happening in which case focus must be kept on the player battling said monster or other enemy player. with that being said i think that now after HUGE WALLS of text i believe we can start the game also every player starts in an empty room and must then create a conversation with them and their chosen villager before moving to the second room where encounters can begin
anyways i will be playing with my own character too but i will also be doing number generating and random encounters and the monsters classification and stats but dont worry i wont make them for general rules.
4. HAVE FUN! (if your not you are breaking the rule ...JUST KIDDING )
description: the tank out of the classes, hard hitting but slow
stats: HP: 650
ATK: 100
SPD: 30
DEF: 50
special ability: REDEEMING JUDGEMENT; take received damage from a previous ATK subtract it by SPD stat then deal amount as DMG to opponent
description: caster of spells and master of sorcery, sometimes a bit fragile with moderately low HP
stats: HP: 450
ATK: 65
SPD: 50
DEF: 50
special ability: MIRACLE; if you are to lose all HP use a number generator of 1 to 10, if the resulting number is even the killing ATK from opponent is considered as a miss, if the number is odd then the ATK hits
description: best in groups, lowest ATK, moderate HP, and can heal
stats: HP: 500
ATK: 60
SPD: 50
DEF: 50
special abilities: HEAL; use a number generator of 1 to 10 if the number is even the heal is a succes and restores 100 HP to an ally or yourself, if it is odd then the heal did not work: LAST WILL; if attacked with a fatal amount give 1 ally *villagers do not count* 200 HP and then you can use the healed ally's ability
description: upholders of good, a mix between HEALER and WARRIOR
stats: HP: 600
ATK: 80
SPD: 40
DEF: 50
special ability: STRIKE OF THE HOLY; boost ATK by 20 and ATK opponent, this replaces a normal attack and can only be used 3 times in a battle, then take total damage dealt and subtract it by 20. you then group heal by the resulting amount
Description: the fastest out of the classes, fast but not really powerful, can use rudimentary magic, also quite frail
stats: HP: 380
ATK: 50
SPD: 70
DEF: 40
special ability: THIEVERY; take the enemy's special ability, then use it against them. If used against another BURGLAR, then nothing happens. This can only be used once per turn, four times a battle: BASIC MAGIC; Used once per battle, this can be used to deal 70 DMG
villagers do not have individual HP bars and will stay with you unless you die. their ATK and DEF can be added to yours when attacked or attacking and have their own set of special abilities
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: ENEMY NAPTIME; the actions of said villagers are enough to make an opponent or monster sleepy and lose a turn. if this ability is used at the start of a battle with a monster you have a chance of sneaking past it. to figure out if you made it past or cant escape use a number generator of 1 to 10 if the number is odd then you sneaked past the monster if even the monsters body is blocking the way out making it impossible to sneak out of said room
ATK: 10
DEF: 15
SPECIAL ABILITY: GUTSY WORKOUT; you and your jock villager do a quick workout session in the midst of battle. use a number generator of 1 to 10 if the number is even take received DMG and reduce it to a quarter of the total amount, if odd then you didnt train hard enough and take the normal amount of DMG given
ATK: 15
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: ANGER BURST; said villager becomes extremely irritated at opposing moster or player enemy which then doubles his ATK
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: TAUNT OR TALK; 2 different paths are available with this ability. either the villager taunts an enemy or monster to try to hit them and waste a turn or they can converse an enemy player to team up instead of fight each other. both use a number generator of 1 to 10. for TAUNT if the number is even then the enemy wastes a turn to try to attack said villager but ultimately misses in the end and if the number is odd the enemy ignores said taunt. for TALK if the number is odd the enemy player starts to reason and can ultimately choose to team up for a long time or for one room and then disband after and if the number is even then the player ignores said question to join. *TALK CAN ONLY BE USED WITH ENEMY PLAYERS WHILST TAUNT CAN BE USED FOR MONSTERS AND ENEMY PLAYERS*
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: HOME-KNIT DISTRACTION; said villager takes some clothing and attempts to blind enemy with it by tying it over their eyes like a blindfold. use a number generator of 1-10 if the number is even then the enemy wastes a turn trying to get the fabric off. if the number is odd then the villager is shaken off before fully tying the blindfold on
ATK: 10
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: SCRUTINIZE; the villager shames the following enemy about their attack methods. use a number generator of 1 to 10. if the number is odd then the damage received is a quarter of what would be recieved normally due to the enemy trying out a new unprepared attack strategy. if the number is even the enemy ignores the said comments.
ATK: 15
DEF: 10
SPECIAL ABILITY: CHEER ON; the villager cheers on the player to lift up their spirits. use a number generator of 1 to 10. if the number is even then the villagers ATK is doubled and added to the players attack. if the number is odd then the cheer was helpful but not inspiring
ATK: 10
DEF: 15
SPECIAL ABILITY: SIBLING RESPONSIBILITY; the villager is motivated through sibling friendship and/or love for their player friend to help take the incoming attack with their friend. use a number generator of 1 to 10 if the number is odd then the villagers motivation causes her DEF to double. if the number is even then the attack is taken with the added defense of the villager as normal
battle rules are as followed once per turn you are allowed to attack, use your ability, or attack with your villager, or use your villagers ability. but generally it goes like a two option choice with a two member party in an rpg. villager abilities can be used as many times as wanted in battle but cannot be spammed while player CLASS abilities can only be used once unless specifically said otherwise in the class's description. when attacking the amount of damage is calculated by taking your ATK stat and subtracting it by the enemy's DEF stat and the resulting number is the amount of damage given/recieved which is then subtracted from the nemy's/player's HP. the SPD stat determines the turn of order in battle. you can also gain and use items that will appear randomly. if the player encounters another player both have the option of striking up a conversation with said player or engaging them in battle. if both engage in conversation each will be able to talk to each other and ask questions about each other like so.
JON: hello are you trapped here too?
basically chat what you want to ask and talk about and then the other player responds and replys like normal. think of it like maybe a cutscene between two players only the scripts will be made right there on the get go and after that you can choose to ask them to join you and team up to which the other can accept or deny. if both or even one player decides to engage in combat a battle begins. after a player battle the killed player's villager can then be recruited by the winner of the battle but in order for you to have them join a number generator of 1 to 10 will happen and if the number is even the villager hardens up and joins you but if its odd the villager continues to mourn for the loss of their friend at which the winning player can either abandon the villager and move along or stay and try to recruit the villager again which wastes a turn but if the villager is recruited your party amount goes up by 1. all players will go in a d&d style turn based order unless a battle is happening in which case focus must be kept on the player battling said monster or other enemy player. with that being said i think that now after HUGE WALLS of text i believe we can start the game also every player starts in an empty room and must then create a conversation with them and their chosen villager before moving to the second room where encounters can begin
anyways i will be playing with my own character too but i will also be doing number generating and random encounters and the monsters classification and stats but dont worry i wont make them for general rules.
4. HAVE FUN! (if your not you are breaking the rule ...JUST KIDDING )
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