[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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I tap my fingernails on the table, waiting. "Well, who is the leader of this group? I wish to deliver a message to them."
Trapped... in an empty space... my mind floats around while my body is doing who knows what... How could this happen to me? Why now? I guess I'll have to wait it out just like last time when I accidentally killed my parents... Why didn't I warn the others?

My grin turns mischievous as I suggest, "Maybe I should pick you off one by one. How would you like that?"

(Different colors to help. ^^")
(( she only fixed it bc she wanted to show him that she knew how to torture him ; a ; ))
"Well, since you won't be so kind as to tell me who your leader is. I will pick one of you at random." I walk around slowly watching each person one by one before stopping in front of Orion.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"You seem like a suitable candidate. Tell me. What do you fear most?"
I light my hands and arms on fire. "Don't you dare!" I say, going to run at her, but realise I can't hurt the demon without hurting Sage, so I stop in my tracks.
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