[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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I laugh, tears spilling down my face. I stroke Orion's hair, "It's a bit late, but I wanted to tell you that I— I love you." The tears continue rolling down my face, No, you have to be strong .

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Imagine if Lafiel sacrifices herself for him so he can live. That'd be so cute. :,) )

(( lol no sai ain't dying I wrote too much to waste all that ))

(( Also, the human body really does not work that way ))
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(Helix is the designated "save people from burning buildings" guy. He has built this role for himself by accident, and he cannot escape it.)
( This piano tho )
"I love y-you too, S..." My body goes limp.

(It's a REALLY good piano. ; o ; )

I kiss Orion on the forehead, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'll see you in the stars."

(( prepare for scary badass Sai bc Orion's death took a toll on her ok ))
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Once we're out of the burning building, I breathe in and out quickly, savoring the clean, fresh air.
I set Sage down outside the building and roll out of the burning suit of gunk. "Ugh... sorry about that." I say, realizing I basically just covered Sage in my spit.
(It's a REALLY good piano. ; o ; )

I kiss Orion on the forehead, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'll see you in the stars."

(( prepare for scary badass Sai bc Orion's death took a toll on her ok ))

(The sadness!!!!!!)

As he dies I stand off a little away from them. "S-Sai... Are you okay...?"
"It's fine..." I start rubbing the slime off of me.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Our group could use a teleporter. lmfao)
I run back to the shop as soon as I'm spit-less and flame-less. I come back to see Sai leaning over Orion's body.
I turn around and smile, "Yeah, I'm fine." I feel the tears, I can't do it. I just...can't

I run to Jean and begin to sob. "I—I can't. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
I stay back and watch Helix run back to the group. I don't know why but I just don't feel like rejoining them just yet...

- - - Post Merge - - -

Once I get all the slime off my clothes, I start walking farther from the group. After a while, I reach a bench facing the ocean. I sit down on the bench and allow the quiet to fill my ears. I don't want to think of what happened... I'm safe here. I hug myself as I stare out into the ocean.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Idk where we are but I'm just going to say there's an ocean nearby.)
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When I see Sai suddenly start to sob, I don't know what to do. I've never seen her like this. I try to back out of the restaurant and give them their space.
I feel really bad for her, but don't know what to say. "Sorry, I should have done something to help. I don't know how bad you must feel right now."
"J—Just give me a second, I have this under control." I sniffle, "It's not like Orion's going to be gone forever anyways, he'll always be my hunter in the sky."
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