I grab him by the shoulders before he can walk too far. "They are not safe with me." I say, emphasizing each word. "Being a mind reader means my mind is transparent enough to read other's thoughts but also makes me a bit more... susceptible to possession..."
"We're not a bad group... why don't you join us then?"
"Why am I not surprised?" I laugh.
Seeing Jean, I blush furiously. "JEAN! Put a shirt on!"
"They won't leave you! If they won't leave me alone, they sure as hell won't leave you alone..."
"I still don't want to, okay?! I don't want to deal with all those people! One almost BURNED ME TO DEATH, Sage!"
"I still don't want to, okay?! I don't want to deal with all those people! One almost BURNED ME TO DEATH, Sage!"