[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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I hear Ans yell, and walk up to him. "What are you so excited about?" A half smile starts on my face.
I slow down and pause to allow him to catch his breath. "It's not safe for them... You have to understand."
(Sorry I was walking home. You know, when I set the wall on fire, I didn't plan to set the whole building on fire o_O Also, I put in my in my sign up sheet Jean is immune to fire, so he won't be hurt when left in the building, but he can still suffocate I guess.)

I had been trapped under a fallen wall, but managed to escape just before I had suffocated. I walk out the house, not burned, but out of breath after inhaling so much smoke. Luckily I was immune to fire, but my hoodie and shirt definatly weren't.
I stop as she says that. You have to understand. That's what they all said. You have to understand, the Haven IS real! Even my family. I turn back and look at Sage. "No, you have to understand."
"I have to understand?! Understand what?! That my so-called "friends" want me?! I doubt they do... they've all been a wreck... ever since he died... and it's all my fault."
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"Look around you, Sage! They went into the mountains to find you! They could've killed me for you! You don't call that friendship?!" I turn and walk away, shaking my head.
I grab him by the shoulders before he can walk too far. "They are not safe with me." I say, emphasizing each word. "Being a mind reader means my mind is transparent enough to read other's thoughts but also makes me a bit more... susceptible to possession..."

"We're not a bad group... why don't you join us then?"
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"Why am I not surprised?" I laugh.
Seeing Jean, I blush furiously. "JEAN! Put a shirt on!"
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I grab him by the shoulders before he can walk too far. "They are not safe with me." I say, emphasizing each word. "Being a mind reader means my mind is transparent enough to read other's thoughts but also makes me a bit more... susceptible to possession..."

"We're not a bad group... why don't you join us then?"

I push Sage off. "Well, good luck with that!" I start to walk again, and yell back. "And I decline your offer! Your so-called "not bad group" will probably just leave me too, like the others!"
"They won't leave you! If they won't leave me alone, they sure as hell won't leave you alone..."
"They won't leave you! If they won't leave me alone, they sure as hell won't leave you alone..."

"I still don't want to, okay?! I don't want to deal with all those people! One almost BURNED ME TO DEATH, Sage!"
"I still don't want to, okay?! I don't want to deal with all those people! One almost BURNED ME TO DEATH, Sage!"

"Whatever... go off on your own. Like I care." Frustrated, I walk away. In my haste, I trip over something and come crashing to the ground. Blood starts to pool around me as everything fades out to black...
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