[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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Once, the tornado is gone and it transformed from human to snake, I shake off my previous fear and charge at the tail that just hit Ans Ra. In rage, I grab onto it, set myself on fire and bite into the tail, punching it with my burning fist.
When Jade says 'face our fears', I give her a look that says, 'You can't be serious'.
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With fury, I rip the viper's head off. It dissapears, and is replaced with someone else's fear.
( Oh dead god indeed. )

With my fear faced, I look around at the others to see who's will appear next.
(Maybe tell her you never loved her then it just turns into another fear?)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I would but... Sage is kinda out right now... her fear would definitely be like a demon monster... or Grayson can come out? idk)
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