♡ Ten Faced ♡
"If you haven't noticed, he is married." I say, dangerously calm.
(Ans Ra?)
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"If you haven't noticed, he is married." I say, dangerously calm.
(Ans Ra?)
( Yesh. )
(WHY DOES EVERYONE ATTACK POOR LIL JEAN?!?! XDDDD)It's at this point that I lose control completely.
Rage at everything, not just people, engulfs me. My eyes turn a blood red and I turn on Jean.
"I don't need your blood on my hands too, Jade."
I turn to Orion, "You. Dont **** with me monster." I pin the faux-monster to the ground. "YOU THINK YOU CAN **** WITH PEOPLE'S EMOTIONS YOU PIECE OF ****?! **** YOU."