"After the pollination, spores may be still around. We HAVE to be careful!"
My voice starts to get quieter as I realize nobody wants to believe in the worst.
Ethan! Oh crap! "W-We need to back for Ethan! Anything could happen in this world!" I sprint out the bunker vault door, and run towards the city, not caring what anyone says.
"Because you'll probably die if we let you go out alone. Last time I checked, you weren't exactly the best in the physical sector. It's better that you travel with our group." I stare straight at Sage.
I stand up as Orion and Jade sprint off, "I'm going after him. It'd be best if you all followed along, but if any of you want to go solo, feel free to do so. The plan is not to die, and we'll most definitely die here." I cast a brief smile at the group before pursuing them.
I start to feel over-heated. "H-Hello, Jade." After that while in the bunker, I haven't really exercised much. My vision slurs, but I keep going, fear driving me.
"I've got nothing," I say "Oh-- Except for this!" I take a big blue book off the floor. "Okay, bye!" I walk to the group, with my chaingun slowing me down.
No one answers so I quickly walk off to my room. I grab the nearest bag. I throw in an extra outfit, 2 clean notepads, a few pencils, and take my short sword and add it in as well. I walk quickly over to the kitchen and stock up on food. Once I'm satisfied with everything I've gotten, I run towards the entrance and leave the bunker.
It doesn't take me long to catch up to the others. I see Sai walking a few yards behind Orion and Jade and decide to join her. I ask, "What did I miss?"