"Wolfie, I'm not seeing anything about mutations... then again, I've only been reading the book for a few minutes." I hand the book to blood-girl. "Check on that if you want."
To find the haven, you must go through the city, past the mountains, and you will find our base in a meadow on the other side. Be warned. There are plenty of dangerous creatures along the way. Make sure you take plenty of supplies as this journey will last longer than a few days.
I turn the page, expecting more, and am met with a blank page. Disappointed, I ask the others, "Who wants to read it next?"
"My name is NOT WOLFIE!" I say, my temper flaring.
( omfg
In RL I tell my mom that I am in a horrible mood tonight and since yoga makes me mad I don't want to go because she'll end up having to take me home and miss it
She replies saying that she's mad at ME
I can't understand people )