<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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David was like always,lurking the streets walking infinitely
"*Sigh* I had been like 2 years like this,i dont even know where i am and where i am"
Satoshi smiled wistfully as he passed his home, a small apartment complex on Main Street. It was the cheapest apartment building in the city.

Damn that stupid war, there was no reason to fight. They fought to kill, and that's all.
Kaida pushed her almost gone cigarette against the wall to put it out, she let it fall onto the floor. Kaida grabbed an old, falling apart, brown messenger bag. Kaida saw her gun on the ground by the dead cigarette and picked it up, she started to walk to what used to be the door.
David sat on the floor remembering the good things before the war his friends,family everyone.
He started remembering the good moments with his sister and he remembered when she died because of a piece of a building
1 year ago
David started crying very hard in that moment
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Satoshi passed a crosswalk, the sight of devastated homes and exploded cars filling his vision. He thought of the many innocent lives that were lost, the greed of our so-called 'government'.

He yelled out, not in anger, but in agony. He, too, had felt the effects of the war. It inflicted a cut deeper than any sword could possibly make.
Kaida kicked down the boards by the door. Kaida walked into the hallway, and she headed for the stairs. Kaida carefully made her way down the creaky stairs, one wrong move and you could fall through them. Kaida walked to what used to be the Lobby. She looked around and saw the sad remains, of a once happy apartment building.
"Why? why not me? she was very innocent to die like that"
David stopped crying after some minutes he decided to just see what else was around
"Why this fuking city doesn't get fixed?!,its like where in the middle of NOTHING"
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(Took me a while to find a good pic)
Username: KawaiiLotus
Character name: Maki
Personality: Quiet, selfish, a mix of kuudere and yandere, sometimes she just snaps, and goes kookoo
Other: her father worked in a clock shop, and before the war she got a terrible injury, causing her father to give an attempt to help her, by making her part robot. The wings in her picture work only sometimes
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Satoshi sat on a bench, alone and confused. It creaked at the moment he sat. He stared upwards, waiting for something to fall on his head. Nothing happened, and he sighed.

Are you up there, in Heaven? He thought, specifically asking his own family. Has God taken you into his arms, and laid you to rest? He began to ponder who God really was.

Does..does God really exist? If he would let something like this happen, does he really?
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(Took me a while to find a good pic)
Username: KawaiiLotus
Character name: Maki
Appearance: https://img0.etsystatic.com/007/6/7...d=0CC8QMygNMA1qFQoTCKi-zaXRh8kCFVfcYwod7cwPjQ
Personality: Quiet, selfish, a mix of kuudere and yandere, sometimes she just snaps, and goes kookoo
Other: her father worked in a clock shop, and before the war she got a terrible injury, causing her father to give an attempt to help her, by making her part robot. The wings in her picture work only sometimes


Kaida opened the door of the Lobby, she headed outside. Kaida sniffed the air around her. Just the usual smell of smoke and death, but mostly death. Kaida held her gun close.
When David walked to the south he saw something very familiar
"Huh? Wait...this was...my primary...i remember when my classmates where planning what we we're going to do when we ended 6th grade...looks like that never happened..."
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She shook her head, trying to snap out of it. She slowly got up, her limbs aching from not having moved for so long. She was in a dusty and old abandoned hotel, with similar walls to in her dream. Dragging her hand along the wall, she made her way down to the once grand lobby.
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Satoshi sat quietly, waiting for his end.

Does my story have a happy ending? Do I get to live in a majestic palace, where I can live without a care in the world, or will I be forever stuck in eternal grieving and sorrow, as I rot away?

He stood up, and let out his wrath on the bench. It fell apart from the most gentle of all his forces.
Kaida walked around the streets slowly, observing every little detail. Kaida felt the wind pass by her, making the scent even stronger, Why did this happen? Kaida thought to herself.
She started to move faster across the large hallway and out the worn oak doors. Breathing in the cold air, she gave a cocky grin and ran through the battered town. Nearly tripping and falling multiple times on large pieces of rubble, she kept going, her determination getting the best of her.
Satoshi panted quietly. He moved on, down the street. He passed a small canal, where the water -which there was very little- was red from blood and black from pollution. It smelt horrid, as he decided to turn around and take enter his home. He wanted to see if there was another who actually survived in the apartment, someone he knew.
"Wait a-"
Suddenly,David remember the path from his primary to his house. He run as fast as he could.
He breaked one of the windows to enter.
"Ouch!" He cut his arm since there was alot of broken glass there.
"Sh!t,my mom surely liked glass."
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Kaida heard something rustle in the rubble, she looked over. It was just a mutt, a German Shepard to be exact. Kaida walked over to the dog, "Wow, there still is pets alive in this mess huh?" Kaida said to herself. Kaida scratched the scalp of the dog, and the dog looked like he was smiling.
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There could be people here! Real people! She refused to believe anything but that. Never getting discouraged, she kept sprinting through the city, never taking into account that other people might not be here. As she ran, she passed small things. A dilapidated pastry shop, a falling-apart old park, an office building with shattered windows and large vines coming up the sides.
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