<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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Satoshi decided to head back. He found some non-perishable canned food items, along with bottled water. He threw both the items into his bag as he walked back to the camp.

When he arrived, he set his pack down near his tree, leaned up against it and fell into a calm sleep.
Akise picked herself up, then headed back to camp. She was tired from all of the insanity and chaos, and she needed a break. Akise curled up under one of the blankets she had brought with her, and fell into a quiet and light sleep. (I'm still here tho)
"Uh alright then," Kaida replied while looking at Melanie. Not another crazy one.. Kaida thought to herself, she had sighed. Melanie looked down at the bird meat. Melanie grinned, "Do you want some?"
Kaida narrowed her eyes, "Did you do anything to this?" "No! I'm only trying to be nice.." Melanie replied, she gave a sad look.. "If you say so," Kaida replied. Melanie took her knife and cut the bird in half. Melanie then handed one half to Kaida.
Akise woke up refreshed and feeling better after a long, peaceful sleep. She stretched, then greeted the others. "I see you found something to eat," Akise said, nodding at the bird meat that Kaida and Melanie were sharing.
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Melanie stood up, because she was crouching. Without saying anywords she handed the other piece of meat to Akise. I hope they don't realize I look like I commited a murder, Melanie thought to herself. Melanie smiled, as she handed the meat off.
Satoshi opened his eyes. He stood up and brushed off his pants. He looked around and saw a new person, and decided to greet said person, making sure to do so with open arms. He approached her.

"Hello!" He said, smiling. He made sure to look as open as possible. "And you are?"
Melanie turned her head to Satoshi and gave a maniac grin, "I'm Melanie." You could tell that this girl had issues.
Satoshi returned a polite smile, taking note of her unusual smile. "I'm Satoshi. It's nice to meet you." He stuck out a hand for a handshake, though he was discreet. He made sure that him being discreet wasn't very noticeable.
Melanie noted his hand, "Sorry, I'm not quite fond of touching people." One of the feathers in Melanie's hair started to fall down, so she quickly fixed it. Kaida looked at the bird meat, I'm just going to trust her word for this.
"Alright." He said, and withdrew his hand. He returned to his tree, where he pulled out a cigarette box he salvaged from his bag. He leaned against the tree, struck the match against his matchbox, and lit his cigarette.
Kaida had walked away, she started a fire, and stuck the meat on a stick. Melanie walked over to Kaida, "I'd like to get to know you better." And then maybe I'll do something special to you. Melanie chuckled to herself.
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