(Nope. But it seems like Sage's apt. is the meeting place every time. lmfao)
(Doesn't Sai live somewhere is this building IDK, tbh XD)
(Where are they meeting btw, the dad and Blaze.)
(Doesn't Sai live somewhere is this building IDK, tbh XD)
(Where are they meeting btw, the dad and Blaze.)
"He is?" I ask surprised.
(( Sai has her own house .-. ))
I nod, "Yeah, didn't I tell you? It's too dangerous for him to stay here after the bar fight."
((Get well soon!))I look at a clock and realize it's 2:30 P.M. "It's already 2:30!? I promised dad that'll help him clean the house at 2!"
"Oh, I need to go help my dad, so I need to go. It was nice to see most of you!" I say as I leave Sage's apartment.
(I'm not feeling good, so I'm going offline. Bye, for now.)
I'm just about to open my door and walk out when my phone goes off. Damnit... I pick up. "Hello?"
"Oh. Hurry, Jean! Let's go clean before he leaves!"
(( bc no one here has last names for reasons unknown ))