[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Fiiiiine." I groan. He's small enough that I can grab him, and carry him over to an abandoned lot with no grass.
( I'm on. And it's for chatting hehe It's easier then using parentheses. )

"Y'know, it just occurred to me..I don't know your favorite color." I smile slyly.
"Fiiiiine." I groan. He's small enough that I can grab him, and carry him over to an abandoned lot with no grass.

I look around. "The floor is filthy! You could of found some where better! And don't carry me like that! It makes me feel small..."
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"It's better then burning down a building, dirt boy." I smirk, and some hair falls over my face.
I put him down.

"Green." I say.
I start feeling a bit lightheaded, but decide not to mention it.
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My eyes end up going fiery red. "OH, SHUT IT DOG FACE! Urk!" I shoot out every bit of fire power I could generate and pass out, hitting my head off the floor.
"Wow, good thing I backed away.." I mutter.
I decide to take him back to the hut. Maybe he could clean when he woke up.
I pick him up and go inside with him slung over my shoulder.
"This—" I point to passed out Jean—"Was not my doing."
I sigh as the two ignore me. "Figures." I mutter. I place Sai in the passengers side and start up the car, "Let's go home."

I feel black start to enter my vision, "Thanks......."

( assume that they both got home and slept pls )
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"Wow, good thing I backed away.." I mutter.
I decide to take him back to the hut. Maybe he could clean when he woke up.
I pick him up and go inside with him slung over my shoulder.
"This—" I point to passed out Jean—"Was not my doing."

Being cat like again, I snuggle the side of my head into his back.
"Welp, I'll dump this guy on the bed. Later, lovebirds."
I dump him on the bed, and since he was snuggling me, I throw a stuffed wolf at him.

I don't particularly notice either event, as I'm dozing and not paying attention.