[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

(( idk
Sai's about to wash him tho
He doesn't have anything/Not have anything that she hasn't already seen
remember that she's a doctor))

I point to the stool. "Sit down."
"Gladly." I snap. "You were the one who kissed ME yesterday morning. I had nothing to do with it."
I shove him because of his puny size, and stalk off.
I sit down on the chair. "Liking what you see?" I say smugly.

(ok. jw because I'm going to make him "charm")
Remembering that, I blush red and shake my arms at him as he walks off. "I DIDN'T MEAN IT, YOU MADE ME! IT WAS THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT, YOU MAKE ME SICK REALLY, DOGGY FOOD!!!"
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"Are you mocking me?! Your mocking me aren't you! I hate you Carmen!!!!" I shout at him and storm in the other direction. I look at my shirt. "AND WHEN DID MY SHIRT GET DIRTY!" I notice families and children staring at me as I rage, trying to rip my dirty shirt off.
I decide to go to Sage's apartment. Maybe for advice..

Jade and I walk to a nearby sushi place. The waitress places us at a table, and we order.
"Think you can wait for the food to come?"

"Ha, it's going to be you who's impatient."
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I feel so comfortable with Helix. I look over at him and smile. Nothing could ruin this moment...

I roll my eyes. "Hope you don't mind smelling like vanilla."
I spray Blaze with water to wash off the blood. I begin lathering shampoo into his hair. "Also, sorry about stabbing you repeatedly."

(( Sai's not stripping btw ))
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I whisper into Helix's ear, "I li-"

A knock is at the door. Ugh... I walk over and open the door. "Hey." I greet, a bit annoyed.