(Bump into Jean. We can look for the kitty together :3)As always, I ordered sushi. Jack's favourite I thought.
'Jack, do you want some?' I smiled, turning to where he'd usually be trying to climb up the table, but to my surprise, he wasn't there.
Is he STILL looking for help? I started to panic Or is he LOST?
I quickly fled the restaurant, on my attempt to find my precious moggy.
This city is so big... He could be anywhere
(I didn't forget about the cat... Totally didn't)
(Mhm)(Bump into Jean. We can look for the kitty together :3)
"Y-y-you..." I stutter as I place a hand on my head where she bumped into me. "L-lost a KITTEN?!" I shout. I grab her arm and drag her along. "We have to fine it. We have to find it. We have to find it."(Mhm)
I start walking, eventually breaking into a run
'Here, kitty kitty'
God, I sound like an idiot
'Jack... Where are you?'
Head down, about to admit defeat, I started to slow down. What is the use? He's probably on the other side of the city by now.
Suddenly, I felt something hit my head. Looking up, I noticed a figure standing just in front
(I guess my character is really grouchy when she looses her cat?)