"I had some things to take care of in the city. And yeah, that's alright. I'm sure the dress wasn't all too comfortable even though you looked absolutely stunning in it last night."
"Hunting in the forest is actually pretty cool. Like a video game.." I grin.
"Hey, no touchy. These are actual wolf ears from a real wolf."
"W-what!? Ew, that's so gross!" I exclaim in disgust. "What kind of person wears actual wolf ears!?"
"Us. We hunt in the hills." I snort. "We don't over hunt. We like our food, thanks."
I clap my hands together, "Is Saelix real now? To be fully honest, I thought Sagrach would have a better chance in the running."
How the hell do you pronounce "Saelix" XD)
(I say it like: "Say"+"Licks")(Guys
How the hell do you pronounce "Saelix" XD)
How the hell do you pronounce "Saelix" XD)