[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Sam!" I shout, then pull harder on the chains, using fire to boost my strenght and pull it off the wall. I run over to Samantha and grab her as she melts.
"Jean... Help..." I soon melt completely, leaving just a pool of water and the chains that aren't attached to anyone anymore.
"Jean-senpai..." I figure I can probably control this if I concentrate hard enough, but for some reason I can't focus enough to form anything below my shoulders.
"You might be able to control it if you focus." I say shaking her head slightly.
"Oh, and just so you know Jean, you can do the same now too, but with fire instead of water."
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After a while trying to form my entire body from the water again, I'm still not successful. He's turned me into water... How..?
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"Jean-sama... I don't think that's working..." I close my eyes and concentrate. Slowly, my body starts regaining it's shape.
"Hmmm, very impressive."
Jean-Sama? (XD) I notice her start to return back to normal. "Are you okay?" I ask, sitting on my knees a little.
"What does it look like sweet :)rolleyes:) heart?" I approach Samantha who had melted out of her chains. I touch her face. "I need you pretty things for my experiments. A plan won't succeed if there aren't a few... Victims along the way."
“Dad… Stop… Please…”