[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Close the door behind you when you leave."

I go back to my work, ignoring the two. I say to myself, "Hm... I need a plan... but what?"
I rub my eyes as tears fall. "You weren't supposed to do that....." My voice breaks.

"..... I have no idea. What do normal people do when they're bored?"
I pull him out the door, and shut it.
"If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm far from normal."
Hm... where did I put that list?

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After looking around, I pick it up and examine it again:

Ans Ra

I grab my pencil and begin writing things down next to each name.
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"Alright. First order of business, we need to find a normal person."

...What did Mace mean by plan?
"Number 1, it can't be too active because...." I trail off.
"Number two, it can't be scary. I don't need a heart attack."
I turn on the TV and look through the list of movies... Watching a movie alone is kinda depressing... Maybe I should find Dusk and ask her to join.
I eventually fall asleep in the chair.

(( Her head is resting on the bed. ))

"Alright, we'll figure this out."
I put the remote down on my bed and walk out into the hallway. I walk towards Mace's office and stop when I spot the two standing around. "Hey guys!"
When I'm finished writing, I check it over:

Ans Ra - Considering his past, I could fly him over here using the excuse of visiting his wife as a cover-up.
Carmen - With Jade gone, he could fake a suicide or simply just vanish. I'm not too sure if the others will look for him.
Ethan - Easy. He can just walk out and no one would care... but should I bring him? He isn't in any danger.
Jean - Toughest one. I'll have to find a way to bring him in, even if he's last.
Helix - He hurt my sister. The only way I can think of for revenge is to purposely bring him last. That'll show him...

Now for the tough choice, who do I save first?

- - - Post Merge - - -

"You guys got any plans for tonight?"
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"Not really." I meet eyes with Dusk. "We were just trying to figure out something to do."