[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I notice the puppy dog eyes and give blush. So kawaii! I get up and put a hand on his shoulder. "I-It's o-okay, I will help you make some new ones."
"I didn't mean to nearly kill you, Jean-sama... Mitch made me... I think, I can't remember..." Whenever Jean isn't looking at me, I glare silently at Carmen.
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"Yeah, yeah. Get the flour. Girl-who-nearly-killed-my-"boyfriend", cut up some apples, will you?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Ooops.." I cover my mouth, and walk up to them. "What are you doing?" I whisper.
"My name's Samantha...." I grab some apples and start preparing then. Maybe Jean-Sama will like it if I help?
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I blush when he says boyfriend. He never said we were official... I assumed we were just friends with benefits... "I bet I will be a great cook! Ever since I was a kid my chefs made food, so I have no idea how any of this works..." I hold up a mixing bowl. "Uhhhh?"
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"Mm'kay." I take a book about Mythology, and plop down on a nearby couch.

"Get the flour, not the bowl, Dusty." I smirk.
"Dusty?!" I grab the flour and 'accidentally' spill some on him. "Oopssss...." I say then put the right amount in the bowl.
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"Thanks, Jean." I roll my eyes, and put the rest if the ingredients in. "Wanna stir, Fire-boy?"
I grab the bowl and stick my tongue out childishly. "I wouldn't want to get your dirty paws on my cupcakes." I start to stir, but go to fast and it starts to spill out. "Argh, I did something wrong!"
I take the apples and mix them in with the batter.
"There. Can you two handle putting them in cupcake tins while I get something outside?"