[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

(( idk what collectibles to use bc I don't have all that many ))

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( I'll probs just change everything back later >_> ))
((*When you feel like you're actually getting a lot better then stand up and get hella dizzy and weak*))

((back :p))
((OOH! You un-invisible-inated! :p *totally didn't fall half-asleep and lie dazed in bed for an hour*))
((Hi Myst))

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((Wo, ninja'd XD))

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((Somehow I knew you were going to get home right before 4AM... :p))
((But I might go bc of 4AM... wanna continue RP for a few mins?))
(Meh. Go in chat. :p )

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Assume Gio dropped Sage off and went to own room)

I walk into my room to find the others already asleep. I hope I don't wake them up. I tip tie over to my closet to change into pajama's.
I wake up in the middle of the night. I look around to see Sage changing clothes. "Oh, ****..." I say. "I'm dreaming again..." I sigh.
I quickly finish changing then say, "Helix, it's not nice to watch someone change." I blush slightly.
"I didn't think those laws applied in dreams..." I say sleepily.
"Yeah, okay, and I've just been waking up in the middle of the night to talk to Sage herself for the last week or so..." I say incredulously.

"Wow, my mind is literally playing tricks on me..."