[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I grab Carmen’s face by the chin and look at him, I lick the side of his face where the blood is. "Hmmmm, I don't know why my son would pick you. The hostage girl I had earlier was a lot better, she even tasted sweeter." (Creepy Dad is creepy)

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Cats always land on there feet! And it had dirt on it's back, what was I meant to do!?"
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"Actually they don't always... If you drop one from, say, the fifth floor of a building, they don't. They do from the seventh floor though. Anyway, you could have just put it down on the ground..."
"Do you really want me to chain you up that badly, you shouldn't hit your seniors." I tilt my head. "And I'm not a perv, so shut your wolf mouth, YOU are the perv."
I watch Mitch lick the man and he gets shoved away. I need to get out of here! I go into the next room and lay on the couch.
"Well done. Now, if you don't mind, I have a little request." I take out a knife and point it at him. "Please turn back into wolf form, so I skin you." I chuckle a little. “Don’t worry, it will only hurt for a little bit.”
"So you want me to skin you in human form?" I tilt my head and sigh with an evil grin. "That's fine with me."
I locate the base "WE FOUND IT!" I hug Samantha in excitement. "YES!"
I stare at him for a moment, caught by suprise by the hug. Seizing the opportunity, I hug him back. "Now how do we sneak in? We don't want to cause too much commotion till we find Carmen..."
I stick the knife next to his leg. "Dirty paws? I don't know what you are talking about." I grab his shoulder. "You are the dirty wolf."
"Maybe we can crawl through the vents...?" I point to a vent opening by a wall.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Don't worry, I will give some of your skin to your friends to admire... And I will give Jean your head." I stab him in the leg with the knife.
"I suppose that could work." It's probably dirty in there though, Jean-sama won't go through if he notices it's dirty...
I hear a scream. "Carmen! Okay, let's go now!" I go over to the vent that is ever so slightly out of my reach. "I need a boost to get up..."
"That's a strange noise Carmen, I think I would like to hear more." I push the knife deeper and laugh.
"Of course you're too short..." I mutter. I stand beneath the vent and lace my fingers together, providing a foothold for Jean to step up on.
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