[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

Letting go of Cygnus, I run at the door and set myself on fire, trying to bust my way out.
I start to freeze her solid. "Maybe I can crush you into chunks of ice and put you in my drink on a hot day."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I get bitten by Carmen and fall back. "Stupid wolf what the-"
I blast back into the room, on fire and punch my dad. "I'LL KILL YOU!"
By the time he lets go, the entire left side of my body is frozen solid, meaning I can't move. I can still make balls of water, but with only one hand I'm more likely to miss and hit Jean, so I don't try to attack.
I scowl angrily. "I'm done with you guys for now!" I snap, leaving, I slam the door shut and run from the base. Looks like I will need to find a new HQ.
Oh God, Carmen needs serious medical help, what do we do? Oh, I could call Mace, maybe he could help! using my nitrogen hand, I grab my phone from my pocket, and find Mace's number in the recent calls. I call him. Please pick up...
I poke Carmen. "WAKE UP GODDAMIT, OR I WILL... I DON'T KNOW PUNCH YOU OR SOMETHING!" I shout. (Not very good at healing people, Jean.)
Oh, god... another person injured... I keep my voice calm and ask, "How badly and where are you?"