[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

After sitting there for a few minutes, I take a shaky breath. "Can we go to the garden?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Hi, I believe I'm talking to exactly who I want to. It's Jean's dad, Mitch."
"You should meet my new friends, Anku." I say, staring at her lips.
"Okay, where are we going to meet them?"

(Get Carmen to call Ans Ra or something)
"Oh, it's you. Well, I'm glad you called me," I sarcastically state. "What do you want from me?"
"I heard you don't like Carmen. If you join me in taking him down, you can beat him up as much as you'd like."
"I'm in, I say." (Temp halting my action IC)

(Beary, as much as I hate to spread the issue, I'm afraid that I will have to. Jason and I lead lives, we have other things to tend to than this thread. Please stop expecting us to be using up all our TBT time and commiting it to this, because I don't think either of us will. I help out in other places, I have to do homework, and I play other games than just AC. So please, don't act like you're fed up because we're not getting involved enough. I've tried to change, but it's rather obvious that you're ignorant to this. I'm not too happy with how this is going because of how you are handling this. We make legitimate arguments, yet you fight the issue itself by making the issue worse. Please, just don't. I was not all-caps raging or being excessively rude, and that's what you do to me. You know what you did.)
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"I'm in, I say." (Temp halting my action IC)

(Beary, as much as I hate to spread the issue, I'm afraid that I will have to. Jason and I lead lives, we have other things to tend to than this thread. Please stop expecting us to be using up all our TBT time and commiting it to this, because I don't think either of us will. I help out in other places, I have to do homework, and I play other games than just AC. So please, don't act like you're fed up because we're not getting involved enough. I've tried to change, but it's rather obvious that you're ignorant to this. I'm not too happy with how this is going because of how you are handling this. We make legitimate arguments, yet you fight the issue itself by making the issue worse. Please, just don't. I was not all-caps raging or being excessively rude, and that's what you do to me. You know what you did.)

( I'm sorry if I made you feel this way.
I legit don't know how to unsilence you, sorry. )

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I really like you, you know.." I say quietly.
I kiss her on the cheek. "I like you too, which is precisely why we're going to make it through this."
I fall asleep, content.

I end up dosing off in the wheelchair. A medical staff member wheels me back a while later.
I smile as I get an idea for a painting. "Night, Dusk." I whisper.


- - - Post Merge - - -

I fall asleep next to Dusk.