I let out a frustrated sigh while running my hand through my hair. "Helix... you're too young to understand. I wanted to come back... I really did... but I couldn't. Things aren't always as easy as they sound."
After walking around for a while, I work out where I am. I decide to get something to eat from the cafeteria. On the way, I see a book lying across the hallway, looking as if someone had thrown it against the wall, and I pick it up. 50 Shades of Grey? Huh, don't think I've read it before... I hold on to it as I start walking again. After I've eaten I'll return it to the library.
In the cafeteria, I buy myself a sandwich and sit down, setting the book next to me. I might read it before I return it, I don't have much better to do anyway... I open it to the first page, take a bite of my sandwich and start reading.