[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Huh... Well, okay, I'll show you what to do..." I get out fresh ingredients since a lot of the last lot was wasted, and take extra care not to drop anything this time.
I weigh out the butter and sugar and put them in a fresh bowl. "We have to cream these together. Do you want to do it or should I?"
"I'm sure you wouldn't ruin it, Jean-sama.... Okay, while I do this, why don't you whisk two eggs up in a jug for the next step?"
"Uh... Right near the bottom of the fridge, I think." I start to cream the butter and sugar together with a wooden spoon, watching Jean from the corner of my eye.
Still watching as he bends down to get the eggs, I freeze, half way finished with the creaming. Keep it together, Samantha... I advise myself.
"...Huh..? Oh, uh, yeah, I'm fine...." I put a jug on the bench next to me, then return to creaming. "...Can you beat up two eggs in that jug?"
"Now we need to combine these two things. Since you did well with the eggs, why don't you try this? If you can't do it I'll help."
"Uh... You're being a little rough...." Why is he so energetic...? I come up behind him and hold his hands, showing him how to mix them. "More gentle, like this."