[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Plus the fact she traded her **** heart for mine.." I mutter.
Everything slowly fades to black as I pass out in Gio's arms.

( Got to go. Don't throw Dusk in a trash bin! )
I watch as Dusk faints. "....Guess I gotta make a trip to the medical center."

"As you know, there was the whole Pollination thing. After I woke up, I- I just wanted to live a happy life. Then I met Blaze." I recount the events to Mace. "Next thing I know, I'm here."
"I'm sorry for saying this but Blaze has no worth as a human being. He is and always will be Mitch's lackey..." I sigh. "I'm sorry that you had to deal with that... if only I didn't let him run off after our last fight... I bet he came to kill me, didn't he?"
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"....Probably." I admit. "I'm not going to let you die, though." I glance at Mace. "....Did he give you that scar?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I look down. "Yeah... I was freaking out a bit when Gio told me he called with a threat..."
I touch his face. "It's...... beautiful." I immediately pull my hand back. "Sorry..."

"It's okay. Sometimes I like to look at it... as a reminder of why I'm doing all this... what I'm really fighting for." I smile. "I'm sorry if I'm boring you."
"Well, after the fight, I realized something... I realized that the experiment was a lot more violent than I expected... Mitch was making it more violent than I thought... Before that fight, I would only stay in the base doing research and tech things. Seeing how violent things were made me disgusted. I couldn't live with myself. I had to fix things. That's when I decided I had to inform the others. That fight basically sparked our revolution... through code and a bit of skill, we were able to split apart. And now, Mitch is none the wiser."

"Wait... come to think of it, your experiment might've been cut short due to the splitting apart of our company. I had previewed what was planned but it was definitely not pretty..." I shudder involuntarily.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I ponder what I would say to Helix if he comes... I mean when. He is coming. I know it. Mace said so. I scoot back and crawl under my covers. Feeling nice and warm, I lie down and fall asleep.
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I smile. "Guess that's another thing I have to thank you for." I stifle a yawn. "Mitch is definitely.... not nice."
"You're welcome." I glance over at the clock. "Wow... is it midnight already? Sorry if I'm keeping you up. I'm sure Sage probably left to her room already. Do you know where it is or do you want me to take you?"
I let go of her hand once she's standing and lead her out of my room/office and into the hallway. I slowly lead the way towards Sage's room. I say sincerely, "Thanks for being there for Sage. I really appreciate it."
I stop by Sage's door. "Well, this is it." I had Sai an extra room card. "Here's a spare key. If you need anything else, let me know."
"You too." I say before I walk back to my office.

(haha, now's a perfect chance for Sai to think this conversation over. XD )
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