
I'd love to join! If it's all right, I'll just role-play as David Bowie himself. Hey, it might be fun!

Name: David.
Last name: Bowie.
Personality: David has a fine sense of humour and enjoys socialising with ours, flaunting off his merry traits and scaring young children. He has a passion for music and this shows through both his singing and his dancing.
Occupation: Artist.
Ability: Can communicate with aliens.
Picture (Url or just give me the pic):

This right here, is perfection. XD
"Hiiii! This is your Captain speaking! Nice to meet you all! I hope we can be good friends!" I laughed down the announcment channel.
"Now, onto business. We're currently on the way to Tokyo, with a stop in India! So, sit tight and relax!"
Sofia sat in her upper class room, drinking a warm beverage. She smiled, before getting up to explore the rest of the ship.
Sorrel wandered around the ship, exploring. It was so big and every turn led to somewhere different, she'd already given up on trying to work out where she was going.
David strolled around carelessly, flashing any stranger an unexpected smile as he did. He was on his way to Tokyo to pick up specifically commissioned outfits for his next tour. Management had tried to insist he go by plane, but David thought it would be a lot more fun to come on, stop at India, and socialise with a ton of nice, new people. He let himself into his first-class suite and stored his few belongings away, venturing out as soon as he was finished.
I swapped shifts with the Co-Captain and went off to socialise. I loved to talk to the people on my boat! I spotted a fancy looking man, and ran over to him.
"Hi! I'm Shinkai, the captain! Nice to meet you mister...."
He stopped and casually shifted himself to the window, his own reflection giving him the opportunity to straighten his tie and polish his suit off a little. Beside him, he spotted the female approaching and he quickly turned himself back to face her. "Hello, dear!" he smiled, offering his hand out to shake her own. "It's nice to meet you too!"
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"Its always nice to say Hi to the passangers! So, what brings you to the ship?" I asked.
"Well," he said, "I'm on my way to Tokyo to pick up some outfits I had commissioned for my next tour. It's very exciting! They've been designed by Kansai Yamamoto himself!" David tried to contain his excitement, but he couldn't help but smile.
Sofia walked along the ship, before noticing a familiar face, the girl eagerly paced over to the captain and Bowie. "H-Hey! I'm totally a big fan of you're work!" Sofia smiled at the famous man with a cute grin. "I can't believe I would see you here." The foreign girl said happily.
David was so deep in conversation with Shinkai that it took him a while to realise Sofia was also trying to speak to him. "Oh, hello!" David smiled, turning over to the woman. "Thank you, darling. It's a pleasure to meet you," he replied, a little bit surprised so many people recognised him.
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"Well, you are very famous! I feel honured that you are here on my ship!" I saluted at him.
Kiki walked around with a black leather suitcase. She never smiled at anyone. She saw 3 people talking to each other. One of the three had a captains hat on. I thought I should greet her.
"Hello, nice to meet you captain!"
While Sorrel was exploring, she eventually spotted a group of people, four in total. They looked like they were talking, so Sorrel didn't go over and join them, not wanting to interrupt.