Rover's Pokemon trading centre

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Rover AC

~ The Unknown Cat
Aug 13, 2011
Throwback Tickets
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
100% (3) +
Ok guys I've got a AR card and there's this cheat on it that I can get any Pokemon with any level and it can be shiny! So I made this thread. If anyone wants a shiny Zoroark (for example) and wants it to be Lvl 100 right away then I can get it for you! But of course you need to trade back, but this is the awesome part... You can trade any old Pokemon, I won't mind! I also take name requests so if you want your Latias to be called Jim then I'll call it that before trade (Make sure your sure on what to call it because you cant re-name it!)

Ok then I hope I see this thread full!


DO NOT breed the Pokemon I give you as it will delete the given Pokemon from your game - It may also brake the game. So please, for your own gaming safety please don't breed these Pokemon! I will also need your friend code. Please PM me it before you post on here. Ok thanks!
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My friend code has changed on PKMN Black since I've got a 3DS so please check the new one.
It's on my signature in the spoiler marked Friend Codes
Seeing as the Pokemon are hacked, that automatically ruins any trade value they may have, for some people... Good luck, anyway!
Well yeah they are technically hacked. But if someone is desperate for a Pokemon I am there to provide them with it.
Well yeah they are technically hacked. But if someone is desperate for a Pokemon I am there to provide them with it.

True, true. You should probably explain the concept of a hacked Pokemon before trading with them, though. Some people mightn't know what they're doing.
Well ok, but what do you mean by concept?

They may not understand that Pokemon that come from the AR are hacked, and that hacked Pokemon are of a lesser value than legitimate Pokemon. Whatever you do, though, don't try to pass a hacked Pokemon off as a legitimate one. Some people get really angry when it comes to things like that...
Also, I'm pretty sure we ain't allowed to talk about hacking/ cheating devices here.
Hacking, and/or hacking discussion isn't allowed at TBT.
and even if you are cautious giving everyone the warnings about how it could ruin their game, their game could still get ruined, and it would be all your fault.
Fine no shop then! I didn't know...

I just thought people might want some Shiny Pokemon. I'm sorry everyone. I'll ask AndyB or Sockhead to close this thread ASAP.

Btw It's not like pirated DVDs! Pirated DVDs are illegal and AR cards aren't! I'm not a criminal! Anyway enough of this, Lets just not post on here
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