-=+=- [RP]Panic at the Disco [RP]-=+=- Accepting! -=+=-

"I can't understand accents..." I replied to the German. I peeked up over the counter again, then darted back down. "Tranquilizer guns..."
Name: Aspen
Age: 21
Gender: Female, though more often than not mistaken to be a male.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Employee or Clubber: Clubber
Appearance (Please provide a pic and description):

Wears navy blue jeans and a black hoodie, with a dark t shirt beneath. She's quite flat chested, which is part of the son most people mistake her for a boy at first.
Personality: Very shy and timid, keeps to herself as much as possible. Easily upset, though rather than letting people know she's upset she tends to keep it to herself, bottling it up inside. In the past this has led to several minor breakdowns, similar to panic attacks.
Background (keep it short and sweet): She spent most of her childhood in her bedroom reading, as she hated her parents and their constant arguing, and she had very few friends. Only in recent years did she make some friends and leave the house for anything besides school.
Talents (3 max): She has a very good memory
Flaws (2 min): Very shy and struggles to talk to new people, clumsy. Prone to breakdowns due keeping everything that hurts her to herself (see personality)
Other: She usually avoids nightclubs because they're always too loud and crowded. She only came to this one because her friends pushed her into it, only to find they'd stood her up and didn't actually turn up themselves.
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(Aww, my picture won't load... I'll have to fix it later, my kindle is having issues right now -_- ty though :))

Aspen peeked out past the door to the restrooms. She had heard gunshots, and now was stuck inside the rest rooms as she couldn't leave without being seen and potentially shot. She could see men with guns, and there were bodies littering the floor. But there was less blood than shr had expected, and most of the people looked simply unconscious rather than dead. Great... I avoid nightclubs for months and then the one time I do come here, I get stood up by all of my friends and this happens...
She looked around the room, trying to see if anyone else was still alive and conscioud besides her and the men shooting. Her first thought was to look behind the bar, where people could hide.
Sure enough, as she looked towards the bar, someone poked their head up ever so slightly to look around. At least I'm not the only one unharmed, she thought. Hey, wasn't he DJ'ing?

(I have to leave for school in about ten minutes, any idea how I can kinda wrap this up with an excuse not to post in case there's like twenty more pages by the time I get back?)
Name: Haru
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Employee or Clubber: Clubber
Appearance (Please provide a pic and description):
Kishinuma Yoshiki.jpg
Personality: Can rarely be seen without ice cream in his hand. Haru isn't particularly serious, mostly joking and fooling around, despite his incredibly serious expression stapled to his face. While optimistic, he is quite stupid, falling for the most simple of traps and tricks, but not like that clumsy guy who always made loud sounds and destroyed whatever they were doing, just a gullible man. Enjoys making friends with people, but not every single person he meets.

Background (keep it short and sweet): Haru has seen many things. Nothing happened directly to him, but they all affected him in some way. His comedic personality is his attempt to fend off all those things. Past that, his life is, while not dull, nothing special that would be worth mentioning.
Talents (3 max): Running, good at games of many kinds and is a good climber.
Flaws (2 min): Not very smart, bad at any form of humor, and not very good at lying.
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