moon child
We can make a shelter!
"That's why we're here." She scowled in annoyance.. everybody was just so loud.
We can make a shelter!
"Oh! I'm Levi! Whats your name?""Yeah."
She decided to find somewhere to sit and examine her leg as it was really starting to bother her.
"Oh! I'm Levi! Whats your name?"
"Geez someone woke up at the wrong side of the plane. HAHAHA get it?""That's why we're here." She scowled in annoyance.. everybody was just so loud.
After shaking of my laughter, I go to help her. "1..2..3.. PULL!"I place my foot against a tree, and begin yanking off its skin. "A little help, here?"
"Geez someone woke up at the wrong side of the plane. HAHAHA get it?"
(Her)"Mio." I tell her, passing her (or him IDK) a suit case. "How old are you?"
"I'm 17 and a half" I say shyly. "What about you, Mio?"
"16, nice to meet you." I smile at her weakly.