Jas0n said:
JOM said:
Animal Crossing is not an RPG. Saying "Oh, well you're playing the role of your character" really isn't a valid point, seeing as you play the role of someone in practically every game you play. Mario Galaxy was not an RPG, though you played the role of Mario.
Quote from Wikipedia:
Typically, gameplay centers around one or more avatars, with quantized characteristics that evolve over the course of the game, and take the place of the gamer's own skill in determining the outcome of the actions taken by the player. These attributes are traditionally displayed to the player on a status screen as a numeric value, instead of a simpler abstract graphical representation, such as the bars and meters often favored by video games in general. Another common element in RPGs is a well-developed fictional setting.
Now before you say that attributes are not displayed on a status screen as a numeric value and whatever else you could say, the reason is that it's a Roleplaying/Life-Simulation game, meaning that it takes parts from each type of game. Bdubs is most likely correct about it leaning more towards a Life-Simulation game than a RPG.
If you have a better genre to define AC, go ahead and say which.
Yeah, all valid points. But Life-Simulation is probably the best bet. Nintendo wouldn't want to scare away the casual gamers with a... *GASP* Abbreviation! :O
Also, after you point it out, it really is both of the genre's.
Also, also, lol at the guy who was like "OMG ARGUEMENTZ R GONNA B HAPPENINZ!!!!" just because me and you are debating something.