Dreaming of Sycamores
Hello everyone! I know these guys may not be the most wanted/favourited neighbours, but they need good homes. I'm really desperate for Whitney if anyone has her, but tell me your offers anyway! Thank you. 
He's a DJ?The problem is I don't really have villagers to offer D: .. Guess I'll have to find Mr DJ elsewhere.. Hope he gets a good home!![]()
I would be willing to offer Zucker for Rudy for sure ^.^ What is your villager situation like? Do you have 10? I have 9, so either way we can figure it out. Is Rudy ready to move or does he need to ping first? I need to get Zucker to ping to move!
I have 9 villagers too.And he still needs to ping, But I can TT him in boxes as soon as possible.
Okay then, I will work on getting Zucker to ping/into boxes!