Trading Rudy the Jock Cat & Jacques the Smug Bird


Dreaming of Sycamores
May 5, 2013
Red Rose
Happy Home Designer Token
Orange (Fruit)
100% (32) +
Hello everyone! I know these guys may not be the most wanted/favourited neighbours, but they need good homes. I'm really desperate for Whitney if anyone has her, but tell me your offers anyway! Thank you. :)
Aw man, I would LOVE Rudy, but I got nothin to offer you! D: The best I got is 1mil bells, no villagers you want though.

Aw I am too slow anyway, although I can bump it up to 1.5mil but that is all the bells I have. I have Whitney in my glitched town, but she cannot move because the town is glitched! Otherwise I so would have traded!
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I'm looking for Jacques.. But wasn't hoping to break the bank too much.. How much were you looking for him? :eek:
Well, to be honest, I'm just looking for villagers and it doesn't have to Be Whitney. I'm just going with the best offer! I already have 45 million bells. x-x;
Ah, the villagers I am trying to cycle out of my town are Zell, Zucker, and Muffy, if any of those interest you! Also, Chrissy!
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The problem is I don't really have villagers to offer D: .. Guess I'll have to find Mr DJ elsewhere.. Hope he gets a good home! :D
Oh! I love Zucker! He was one of my dream villagers but I gave up looking for him since I thought he was too high in demand. If that's ok with you, could he be the 'best offer' so far? :)

Edit: stupid kindle spell check. XD
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I would be willing to offer Zucker for Rudy for sure ^.^ What is your villager situation like? Do you have 10? I have 9, so either way we can figure it out. Is Rudy ready to move or does he need to ping first? I need to get Zucker to ping to move!
I would be willing to offer Zucker for Rudy for sure ^.^ What is your villager situation like? Do you have 10? I have 9, so either way we can figure it out. Is Rudy ready to move or does he need to ping first? I need to get Zucker to ping to move!

I have 9 villagers too. :) And he still needs to ping, But I can TT him in boxes as soon as possible.
Ah man, I'd love Rudy but I don't have Whitney or very many bells. All I have are Bob, Purrl, Walker, and Tom.