Hi! I’d absolutely love him if that’s okay!;;
Thank you so much!;; I have to go to sleep now, but I’ll be free from 7pm EST onwards! And sure, my friend code is 5300-9857-8462. Thank you again!
okay! just ping me once you're back online and hopefully i'll be around by then! and np!
Okay! I’m back and ready now if you’re still free, I’m sorry for the wait!;;
Edit: Oh dear time zones;;... I have to go offline now, but I’ll be back around the same time you posted this yesterday if that works for you ^^ But if not, I’m free all day tomorrow, so any time that suits you best is great!
Time zones will be the end of me omfg but yeah I was already asleep by then. I’ll be around up till 4:30pm pst today
Pffft same, it’s hard when both people are from the past/future.. And okay, I should be up till around then too! Hopefully we’ll bump into each other when we’re both online ^^
I’m on right now if you’re good to go? I can TT to Get him boxed up