Oh, perfect timing!
I have a question:
Does the cloning/hacking/duping thing apply to things BESIDES Animal Crossing? Such as using Pok?Gen to create hacked Pok?mon?
I'd assume it would, and it'd make it easier to know that I'm getting legitimate Pok?mon.
Who created coffee
Is coke legal here or not?
trivia time: did u kno perta was hijacked by president snose and tried to kill kittniss
admittedly I never read the rules to anything but I do just automatically assume duping and hacking are no-nos everywhere
Thank you so much for covering the pokemon thing, is was going to start using pokegen, but I didn't think it was allowed ^ - ^ (it was far too confusing anyway!)
Maybe you should lay off the coffee or go to decaf? honest mistake I think plus they are new here (just saying)
errr...is it bad I instantly thought of Mockingjay when I saw the word "hijacked"??
If you're going to go that route, do it for yourself and not for redistribution, don't advertise it, and really, really, be careful. I've heard of pokemon games flat-out bricking because of it.
Thank you, I didn't like it anyway it's so obvious when someone's used it and I think I'll just stick to masuda
Just don't redistribute anything here and be careful.
errr...is it bad I instantly thought of Mockingjay when I saw the word "hijacked"??