Selling rv items ✿

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I can also trade you a large filing cabinet for the fancy tea set
I'm interested in the ivy partition, serving cart, towel basket, perfume bottles, bread-making set, shaved ice, and fruit drink. would 5 tbt each be okay?
It seems all the others have been claimed, may I please buy the celeste ribbon and the lottie bun for 20tbt?
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So to sum up the white festive tree for 15 tbt and trading fancy tea Set for large filing cabinetcabinet
Oh sorry I didn't see you posted first! you can have it after all you were here first! but thank you I appreciate the gesture!

It's 100% fine that you have it - I'm currently after the cupcake more than the cup of tea anyway ^^

Edit: Pug, would you like to come to my town or shall I come to you? :)
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I'm totally confused er.. vm me if there's still something available to trade for me er... ^_^''
if you have multiples,
may i have your celeste ribbon for 10TBT? c:

sorry i'm going in order of posts!

- - - Post Merge - - -

no longer have the white festive tree, but i'll be doing a white festive tree giveaway later on tonight!
so 10 tbt for the yarn basket and towel basket?

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