Sagittarius Design Suggestions Needed!


trendy philosopher
Apr 11, 2020
Hi everyone! My island theme is the four elements of the zodiac: fire, water, air, and earth. I’ve been designing each section of my island according to this and have also been using the zodiac furniture in any way that I can to represent the signs in their appropriate section too. It’s been tons of fun.

Obviously though, I’ve run into some major disappointment in trying to incorporate the Leo and Sagittarius zodiac items. They’re both fire signs, and both wall mounted. Initially I had created a little “fire cavern” and was going to place Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius together. Because I couldn’t place Leo outside I made a sign post with the constellation, and December also gave me a huge and pleasant surprise with its lion pop up book! I now have a pretty good spot for Leo that I’m happy with.

Now my challenge is figuring out what to do for Sagittarius. This has been really bothering me for a while and I’m open to any and all suggestions. I could just do the constellation sign, but I feel like it won’t be very nice and will be boring.

Lovely creative folks, hit me with your ideas!

Both of your above suggestions rock. If only there was a way to get a human / archer head on those deer somehow...
Hmm— actually the rocking horse could work somehow! Maybe I could get a bow and arrow design and place that in front of it in the dirt...
Was going to suggest using paintings as archery targets, since I've had that idea on my mind for a while & even drafted a pattern at one point to see if it would work. I see TheSillyPuppy beat me to it on that suggestion. :LOL: I can still share the design, if that helps you at all.

I tried to see if I could use the fishing rod as a bow, but that doesn't work too well... But I am definitely in favour of using the springy horses somewhere in there!

It’s a stretch but maybe the anchor statue in gold, which looks like the Sagittarius symbol

That's also a great idea, and would match the set up more. I'll test that out.
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@Mick that is awesome! I love the idea of using the fishing rod as a bow!
To add to @Mick's idea of using the fishing rod (awesome target design, by the way!), if you would like to reference some type of activity (so that it looks like the area has some degree of "functionality"), you could also customize a Simple Panel with the target custom design and place a couple of axes--axe-throwing. If you squint one eye and cover the other, I suppose you could approximate an axe into a bow by function... 🤣
To add to @Mick's idea of using the fishing rod (awesome target design, by the way!), if you would like to reference some type of activity (so that it looks like the area has some degree of "functionality"), you could also customize a Simple Panel with the target custom design and place a couple of axes--axe-throwing. If you squint one eye and cover the other, I suppose you could approximate an axe into a bow by function... 🤣

Thank you!
The simple panels definitely could help, and I love the idea of including other ranged weapons (it's why I included the slingshot in the quick little test setup). But if we go that route... might as well place down a few cannons at that point, right? 😂
Lol... Nintendo... now would be a great time to incorporate your "let us hang wall mounted items outside" update...
Thank you!
The simple panels definitely could help, and I love the idea of including other ranged weapons (it's why I included the slingshot in the quick little test setup). But if we go that route... might as well place down a few cannons at that point, right? 😂
"...Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked." 🤣

With the Springy Ride-ons, you could also use fences and Hay Beds, etc. to create horse stables, too!
That is an amazing idea! Can you share your dream adress because I wanna see it! Unfortunately, Idk what to do for sagitarius.
I am almost finished and my goal is to have a dream address up by the end of Pisces season (aka March 2021!) I don’t time travel so it’s been a while to get it near finished but I’m almost there :)

Thank you!
Don't know if this will actually work, just trying to see it in my mind but... what about the rocking horse and behind it a champion's pennant? The pole is inclined and it looks a bit like a spear/arrow 🤔