Awesome Member
I didn't have that item cataloged but I think I've got the money now. Adding
Great, adding you. I'll open the gates
I didn't have that item cataloged but I think I've got the money now. Adding
sand garden carpet for 5000?
You don't read peoples' posts, do you? Sahara items sell for around 200k. 5,000 would only work if you were dealing with a noob who didn't know how to price things. No offense XD
I don't have any money 'cause I wasted it all on turnips, but once I make some I'll buy a few of these ^-^
I'm aware. I have read the other post now and was in the process of editing it. Thanks.
Also referring to my offer as something a noob would say is rude, better to have not said anything seeing as I found out quickly for myself.
Op: I don't have 200k to offer but I have some bells and a creepy skeleton.
Obviously I don't know much about pricing enough for people to point it out and ill trust you'll be fair.
I have Classroom Wall and Office Flooring which are Saharah-exclusives, would you want to buy them?
I updated my post.Hahahaha, no there's really only a couple Saharah items I'm looking for, I've already had those plenty of times. Thanks though
Dessert vista and saharah's dessert - 400k? ouo
100k and a creepy skeleton for a sand garden carpet? Not sure how much the skeleton is worth.
Sounds good! I'll add you. Lemme know when you wanna make the tradeIf you still have these I'd like to buy,
Office floor
Office wall