Shop SALE! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ The Oasis Fruit & Garden Boutique! A Gardener's Dream!

Hi! c:

Name: Danny
Town: Borders
Friend Code: In my signature
Order: 1 basket of Durians
Total TBT: 2 TBT
Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery
Availability: Daytime
⊳ Name: Chai
⊳ Town: Ginger
⊳ Friend Code: We are already friends!
⊳ Order: 20 pink lilies
⊳ Total TBT: 20TBT
⊳ Pickup or Delivery?: Pickup!
⊳ Availability: Now! Or after 7pm CST.
⊳ Name: Chai
⊳ Town: Ginger
⊳ Friend Code: We are already friends!
⊳ Order: 20 pink lilies
⊳ Total TBT: 20TBT
⊳ Pickup or Delivery?: Pickup!
⊳ Availability: Now! Or after 7pm CST.

I'll get them ready for you right now!
EDIT: They're ready! Gates opening~!
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