Salty Bay Flag Suggestions.


📝Hello Friend 📨
Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
I restarted my island a few days ago. I have a flag made for my island which is my picture, but I am not sure I really like it. Willing to hear suggestions and ideas for a flag. :)
My last Island was Oran Myst and had a silhouette of a palm tree with the sun going down over the sea with a single dot star high in the sky. I want my map to be simpler this time but sends the message of "Salty Bay" which is my current island's name.
I do like the color scheme of blues and white for my flag. My airport and main Lighthouse are yellow. My fruit is peaches but I don't care about that. I plan on using pear trees outside of my orchard. My flowers are Windflowers, Mums, and Hyacinths. Lamp posts are bronze. I hope this gives an idea of how my island "feels".
Maybe you can modify your current flag and add more of the waves downward and make each one a different shade of blue from light to dark. Change the top light blue color to something like a light brown or cream to represent the bay and then change the diamond to a star sort of like a starfish on the beach.