Trading 💌 Sanrio for crafted items 🌸

Save me a wedding cake!
I have to wait for server maintenance to complete before I can bring your hyacinths...
Sounds good, I will save them for you. 11 pink hyacinths will be your total.

Just waiting for the server maintenance to be over and I can send a pm out to everyone!
I can’t trade till later possibly tomorrow if that’s alright?
Hello! I would love to trade my pink hyacinths for the following items if they’re still available:
  • Mom's aprons (M, animals, duck, denim)
  • Capricorn ornament recipe
  • Dala horse (blue)
It would be a total of 18 flowers right? I have a lot of pink hyacinths, so I can give you more if you’d like — free of charge, of course. 😊