Save One and Drop One

Pichu - He's too cute. Pikachu had his run....

Master Chief from Halo or Kasumi from Dead or Alive?
That is hard but Kairi because she's hot and doesn't talk about friendship :3

I hate them both equally but from Yugioh Zexal;

Yuma Tsukumo or Astral? (Alternate question in case you're awesome, Alexis Rhodes or Akiza Izinski?)
The heck with Isabelle, let's face it, she's failed us ALL as a productive secretary... I'm taking my villager Lily!
So, do you save Pelly or Phyllis?
Reese, I need to sell you- oh...bye Cyrus...

Twilight Sparkle [not an Alicorn because she could just fly] or Pinkie Pie?
I'd let both of them fall. >: D But okay, Iris is cooler because of dem dragons.

Olimar or Zelda?
Olimar. Zelda has transportation abilities. Well, Olimar could use his Pikmin to grab onto the ledge but eh.

Mario or Luigi?