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Scammer Alert


Senior Member
May 10, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
Just want to worn you that there a guy trying to scam people. I found him on GameFAQs so don't trade with him if he comes here or if your over there. He username there is cartman876 and his FC is 3797 5880 6001
Don't remember his town name, just remember it started with and H. Just wanted to warn you guys of him.
Thanks for the warning, scammers take the fun out of the game.
No problem just don't want these thing happen to people. On the bright side I didn't really lose anything as the throne I gave him was given me be a neighbor for free. He said we was going to give me Varia suit, pants and 550,000 bells but only got the Varia Gear. He also messed with a tree don't know which one cause I don't see any change but he said there goes your tree and at that point I booted him.
Gah so unfortunate to hear >< Gratitude for the warning, and apologies for your bad experience.
I think the Bell Tree forum environment is so much nicer than the gamefaqs one .-.
Thanks for the warning. I can't believe scamming is already starting for this game....
How about a STICKY for terrible players? A catalogue of FCs recorded w/ their offenses. I hope the staff will consider it!
^that sounds like a really great idea!

I'm sorry you got your throne taken! About the trees... for some reason I thought I read somewhere that no one could damage your trees with an axe or anything in this game? Or was that just a rumor?
There is a bit of a problem with stickying something like that. Sometimes complaints are hearsay and unfounded. We can't really prove much of anything, and he-said-she-said doesn't really work. Word of mouth from person to person is a bit better for stuff like this. Keeps animosity down.
We should make some sort of trading rule that both parties have to drop the items on the ground 10 paces apart at the same time and pick up the items at the same time. Like in hostage trades...
There is a bit of a problem with stickying something like that. Sometimes complaints are hearsay and unfounded...

True, def. a dilemma. :-\ Kinda wished as the Mayor, there would be some log recording every action made by visitors.
^that sounds like a really great idea!

I'm sorry you got your throne taken! About the trees... for some reason I thought I read somewhere that no one could damage your trees with an axe or anything in this game? Or was that just a rumor?
I think you're talking about the Dream Mansion. :rolleyes:
That idiot was most likely some stupid 16 year old boy who's been addicted to CoD for the past 2 years.

They ruin the game ;.;
Awww man. I really DISLIKE people like that. :(
Glad that you didn?t loose too much and thank you for the warning!
Do you shut off your game, or how did you kick him out?
Yikes. That's unfortunate, I'm sorry that happened to you. Thanks for the heads up.
Perhaps a better way to trade off items is through the Re-tail shop? Put said item up for sale and have the person buy it from there to ensure the proper amount of bells.
Awww man. I really DISLIKE people like that. :(
Glad that you didn?t loose too much and thank you for the warning!
Do you shut off your game, or how did you kick him out?

This sucks :/

If you want to kick someone out of your town, you have to press start, and there should be a button there to kick players out. Not sure exactly what it says :/