probably speaking in court for something i repressed in my memory for years. i had to go twice because the first time the jury weren't sure about the verdict. the first time was super scary but i made it without bursting into tears and i felt good, the second time however was even worse because they were like "hey she has autism can the defendant go easier on her next time" "ok lol" but she was even harder on me, asking me super difficult questions and being much more menacing and intimidating than before, and i ended up losing. it's her job though, i have no ill will against her. the guy i was against is in prison now though and i'm glad.
i know that the autism part isn't the reason why it was worse, but they did nothing to make it easier the second time. they said a diagnosis would be very important to how i was talked to for things to be easier for me to understand, but communication between CAMHS and the police was embarrassing as i was diagnosed a few months before the court date even started...