Scariest moment of your life?


this Mo
Apr 19, 2020
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Honestly, mine was probably a few second ago, I acted like a pile of blankets. My dad did his nightly patrol but I need to sleep downstairs tonight

lol idk probably not. i had this one time (totally forgot about it) when I hit a moose on my way back home from visiting my aunt and i broke my shoulder.
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That time I almost fell off of a cliff into a pool of water in 4th grade when my parents said I would be "fine" and that we were just gonna take a picture but they clearly wanted to kill me
You would say I could just swim to shore, but I don't know how to swim. Plus I didn't know how deep the water was. Either way I would have died. I still have really bad trauma and it's been 6 years.
Last year a car on a busy highway merged into my mom’s lane and almost hit us head on. We were going 65 while they were doing at least 85. If my mom hadn’t steered off the road all three us would have died.

A close second would be when I fell off my bike and lost my vision for a full minute. I only scraped my foot, but being blinded was quite scary.
Mine was when I dislocated my kneecap, my kneecap got moved all the way to the side of my leg and the pain was horrible, it happened because I jumped into my recliner from the side while the chair was still reclined. I had to go in an ambulance and it was really traumatizing, it was so ****ing scary I don't want to ever have to go through that again
i've had a few so far, but one of the few i'll never forget was losing my eyesight for like 5 minutes or more. i woke up because my dog was bothering me to go outside, and it was SUPER bright and sunny out, i was still a bit groggy from just waking up, and the brightness outside kinda hurt my eyes but i didn't think anything of it. after letting my dog out, i started back through the kitchen and down the hall toward my room and realized my vision was fading, like graying, eventually to the point where i couldn't see ANYTHING except a thick, dark grayness/blackness, and i had to feel my way around the house with my hands and body. it was absolutely terrifying, i managed to sit down at the bottom of the stairs and started sobbing. i really thought my eyesight would never come back. but it did, thankfully.
I was at a camp and we were grilling but there was a problem with the grill and my commander went to turn it up and it blew out a bunch of fire and I tripped right next to it
I don’t know if this was the scariest moment, however this is the only thing I can think of.

I was at a college party when a stampede starting backing up into another room. Apparently someone saw/yelled “gun” and panic ensued. Still don’t know to do this day if there actually was one. All I knew was that everyone cleared out within seconds, I had to jump through a window into the freezing snow. And then the cops came. Fun times!
I don’t know if this was the scariest moment, however this is the only thing I can think of.

I was at a college party when a stampede starting backing up into another room. Apparently someone saw/yelled “gun” and panic ensued. Still don’t know to do this day if there actually was one. All I knew was that everyone cleared out within seconds, I had to jump through a window into the freezing snow. And then the cops came. Fun times!
mine was sort of similar, actually. My family and I were viewing fireworks at some amusement park sort of place and towards the middle of the show, everyone started pushing and screaming and before I knew it, the cops were clearing everyone out because they thought there may have been someone with a gun. It turned out that there was no sign of one and no one got hurt, thank goodness. it was still scary to be in that situation though.