Science! Episode 1: Tackling the Other-Town-Campsite Issue


Little Voice of Courage
May 10, 2013
Carnival Coins
Silver Mailbox
20 Envelopes
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
A little while back, a report surfaced on Tumblr (this is the first post that I saw) that stated it was possible to get a villager in another person's campsite to move to your town. It was reported to be extremely rare. Three other people confirmed this, but no photographic evidence was provided.

Despite numerous other people saying that it was impossible, I decided that it was worth investigating. Had there only been one report, I would be more skeptical. However, with four witnesses, I felt like the event could very well be plausible.

Setting It Up
-Freya, a member of our beloved forums, had a camper that she was willing to let someone talk to. I set up a visit. She led me to the campsite, where I proceeded to talk to Chief. My idea was that, with time, the dialogue would occur that would let me invite him to my town.

Modifying the Experiment
- No matter how many times I spoke with Chief, I could not trigger the invitation dialogue. I also could not trigger any camper-game dialogue. I continued to get the same four lines over and over. Taking this into account, as well as Chief's dialogue, I modified the experiment. By asking Freya to talk to Chief until she received the invitation dialogue, then stop him from moving in, I hoped to bypass Chief's usual words. I talked with him again, and he continued to say the same things. Hoping to 'clean the slate,' so to speak, I left the tent then entered again. Chief still said the same things.

Modifying the Experiment Again
- Unfortunately, an error kicked me out of Freya's town. However, while I was waiting to return, a thought came to me. Perhaps other factors could influence dialogue. I had gone to Freya's town with no Bells. If I brought Bells with me, that might trigger game dialogue and, in turn, invitation dialogue. I grabbed a modern wood flooring and shook a tree for 100 Bells.