Scrap the internet?


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
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Now that you mention it...

No. Tons of things would need rebuilding and the internet will be barren. They should wait until it becomes way more crowded.
That's crazy.. I couldn't live without the internet very long..


I think it would be near impossible, and just wrong, for them to remove all of that data on all of the servers of the world. Plus, it seems like something that would take a very long time and upset many people. Would everyone who knows HTML have to learn some other type of language for the "new internet"? I wouldn't want all of the time I spent learning all this stuff going to waste.


It seems to me that the internet is in perfect condition and is becoming more improved every day.
Shadow Jolteon said:
That's crazy.. I couldn't live without the internet very long..


I think it would be near impossible, and just wrong, for them to remove all of that data on all of the servers of the world. Plus, it seems like something that would take a very long time and upset many people. Would everyone who knows HTML have to learn some other type of language for the "new internet"? I wouldn't want all of the time I spent learning all this stuff going to waste.


It seems to me that the internet is in perfect condition and is becoming more improved every day.
Yeah. Those kinds of things right there changed my mind.

Plus, there would probably be only 1 browser: a crappy goverment supported one. Microsoft would be making a IE for the new internet.
Kyle said:
Shadow Jolteon said:
That's crazy.. I couldn't live without the internet very long..


I think it would be near impossible, and just wrong, for them to remove all of that data on all of the servers of the world. Plus, it seems like something that would take a very long time and upset many people. Would everyone who knows HTML have to learn some other type of language for the "new internet"? I wouldn't want all of the time I spent learning all this stuff going to waste.


It seems to me that the internet is in perfect condition and is becoming more improved every day.
Yeah. Those kinds of things right there changed my mind.

Plus, there would probably be only 1 browser: a crappy goverment supported one. Microsoft would be making a IE for the new internet.
I could not stand Internet Explorer. I hate it more than any other software created.


Let's just hope it doesn't come to a Microsoft-only internet.

The internet is fine... and honestly if they decided to scrap everything, it isn't like you couldn't copy all that you had on your site and put it back up very quickly....

but this seems weird.....

The internet is now an ever evolving thing, there is really no way you could make it perfectly safer than it is now.... sad but true. There are backdoors to just about everything, but honestly safety is up to the user. Don't go to untrustworthy sites and you should have no problems. The one thing I have to say is that things like viruses and spyware and adware should really be illegal.... yeah..... but restarting the internet won't be able to stop it they will regenerate as fast as real viruses can...
But on the other hand, it would give everyone the chance to make their website better!
and Jader could scrap ACC >_<
Sporge27 said:
it isn't like you couldn't copy all that you had on your site and put it back up very quickly....
Thats what I thought at first, but what if there's a new code instead of HTML?
Sporge27 said:
it isn't like you couldn't copy all that you had on your site and put it back up very quickly....
I doubt it would be that quick.

The host sites have to go back up and then they have to accept you and then everyone putting it up consecutively doesn't seem fast...
yeah thats gonna suck if they do delete everything. ooo I would hate that.
It's impossible to 'delete the internet' because the internet is not centralised. It's essentially millions of independent computers and servers all across the world interacting with one another; there is no central controller.

Would everyone who knows HTML have to learn some other type of language for the "new internet"?
HTML is not the internet, it's merely a language used by web browsers to interpret and display web pages.

Plus, there would probably be only 1 browser: a crappy goverment supported one. Microsoft would be making a IE for the new internet.
A browser is a program that simply fetches and displays data on the net or a local area network-- I don't see how you reached that conclusion with this in mind.

I think it's clear to see that most people in this thread don't know what the hell they're talking about and should be quiet.